Back pain during pregnancy

Surely every woman who has ever been pregnant has had a pain in the back, especially in the last stages of pregnancy. In General, the wearing of a child, which is a very complex process-the body and all the bodies that are moved, and the women have a double burden. Gastrointestinal, circulatory, respiratory and excretory system - they must now work not only on the woman but also her unborn child. I touched and the musculoskeletal function of the spine.

So, back pain during pregnancy is not unusual, but quite natural phenomenon. Let's look at why this happens and what to do if it hurts badly, and traditional painkillers pregnant, to buy it.

back pain during pregnancy

The causes for back pain during pregnancy

In the body of pregnant women from the first days begin to undergo changes which are in any way prepared her for a future happy event. During pregnancy, throughout her term nature of the constantly introduced some adjustments, especially in relation to hormones.

So, producing the hormone relaxin relaxes the ligaments in the sacral and coccygeal joints as well. This provides you the mobility you need during labor.

But the stability of the lumbosacral fall, and the woman to compensate for you have to strain your back muscles and abdomen.

During pregnancy the estrogen in the female, almost all the time is limited, and progesterone is elevated - this ensures the optimum conditions for implementation. The reverse ratio (low progesterone and estrogen) can cause bleeding from the uterus, and abortion)

Before birth the level of progesterone drops and estrogen increases

Of estrogen depends on the elasticity and tone of the uterus, as well as the ability to shrink. Because progesterone is ensured by the formation of the placenta and growth of the uterus throughout pregnancy. Every week a new woman is gaining weight, her belly is rounded and more projecting forward. Starting around 14 weeks, as evidence, to discern from the outside, and to hide the pregnancy, is difficult. It also changes the gait and posture of a pregnant woman: if you notice, all go with head high and flattened back by the shoulders. This walking is popularly called "proud". In fact, despite the fact that every woman, inner and instinctive as nature, proud in its position, is the reason for the posture is quite prosaic: the Center of gravity of a pregnant woman moves to the forward tilt of the pelvis increases, which causes increase in the lumbar lordosis, and in order to maintain balance, the spine in the thoracic region is fed back along with the shoulders and head

Of course, to go all the time in this position difficult back inevitably starts to hurt, especially in the thoracic and lumbar. Therefore, are the main causes for back pain in pregnancy is physiological and is in direct connection with the situation, that is, that are typical for any woman during pregnancy. this:

  • Changing the natural curves of the spine and shift the centre of gravity
  • Increases the elasticity of ligaments and joint mobility of the lumbosacral
  • Reducing the amount of estrogen - the main hormone, which helps in building up the normal structure of the bone
  • Lack of estrogen cause brittleness of the bones and leads to osteoporosis.

Important tips for pregnant women with back pain

Therefore, it is important tips that I want to give future mums is:
  • The first thing you need to do during pregnancy is to ensure the normal daily intake of calcium, preferably with vitamin D, as one of the most important in the body
  • Also along the way be sure that folic acid, very important for the development of the fetus.
  • A lack of folic acid can cause congenital spina bifida your child
back pain during pregnancy causes

Exercises during pregnancy

During pregnancy you should also need to do daily exercises for pregnant women. Do not be afraid, that this could have a negative impact on your child or you.

Your active baby classes will only benefit, as they improve blood circulation, nutrition and even mood. For the back exercises will be helpful, as it helps to remove the spasm from the muscles, back pain and strengthening the muscles of the-coherent system

Additional causes of pain during pregnancy, there are Also individual for each woman the cause of the pain:

  • The presence of dystrophic degenerative processes in the spine before pregnancy
  • Uncomfortable shoes, for example, too high heeled
  • Other diseases or pathology
  • The uterus is in good shape
  • Uterine prolapse

Lumbosacral hernia

If a woman is a lumbosacral hernia, then it should strengthen the control of their disease, especially in the second half of pregnancy:

  • Be sure to visit the podiatrist
  • For stretching exercises,
  • Wearing a supportive corset . Wearing corsets are so recommended for all women who have pain in the back, starting with 34 weeks pregnant.

The problems of the last months

In the last two months before the birth of the child it is difficult for women.

The weight of the fetus is already quite decent, and is more and more pressure on her spine. Back pain can acquire the radicular in nature and to give in the feet, especially when walking

The uterus begins to descend and the pressure on the other organs of the pelvis, why women are the symptoms of cystitis

The load of the kidney in the third trimester also increases due to the increased volume circulating through the sanguine purificationis system fluid and increases the waste of the fetus.

This can lead to pyelonephritis or symptoms of kidney failure if the woman was already before pregnancy, kidney kidney Problems, can become an additional source of back pain in pregnant women

Increased tone of the uterus

A common problem in pregnancy - increased uterine tone. In General, this phenomenon is dangerous in the early stages, when the risk of miscarriage. In the future, not for women, except for discomfort, there is no danger.

For what reasons is the increased tone of the uterus? Both ordinary and scientific:

  • Your little one only a slight hit on the leg, checking: conked out, forgot about him, ready for his quick emergence into the light
  • Stress and bad mood results in the tone of not only "every fiber of the soul", but also the uterus. So during pregnancy you should try to always remain calm and in a good mood, especially because it is so important for a healthy nervous system of the unborn child
  • Muscle strain of the back and abdomen are transmitted to the muscles of the uterus
  • In the later stages are false contractions (Braxton Hicks syndrome)

So is the "dress rehearsal" for future generations

What medication to use from back pain during pregnancy

Pregnant women are often faced with this problem: yes, bad, impossible to use many drugs. So, we all know that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs removed from back pain for pregnant women is unacceptable. Why? Because they have a lot of contraindications, and dangerous to ordinary people and situations.

If a woman during pregnancy is bad or back pain unbearable?

  • For the treatment can be used decoctions of herbs, bee products
  • Antispasmodic drugs, which can be used during pregnancy
  • You can use homeopathic preparations, which are also completely harmless

If you do everything right and in accordance with these simple recommendations, pregnancy, it must be easy, and children will be born healthy and happy.